Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Adventures of Bull: Bull Wants to Go Outside

Bull sees the sun, and he wants to go outside. Then he gets an idea. He looks through his closet and he finds a pool. Then he looks in his closet again, and he finds his swim trunks. Meanwhile, there is a storm outside and Bull does not notice.  Then he goes outside and he gets all wet, and he thinks swim trunks were a good idea.



  1. I guess it all worked out all right for Bull! Good job Riley, I love your comics!
    Love, Grammie

  2. Riley, I am so glad you had time to post a new
    Bull comic. I look forward to seeing them. At least Bull was prepared to get wet. I will keep checking for more adventures. You do great work.
    Grammie Alta

  3. Nice one! Bad luck for Bull once again. :)
