Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Aislyn Files: Silly's Adventure

Riley's sister, Aislyn, has been begging him to let her post something of her own (she has been working on comics since he got his website) and so today he is letting her post her first comic....

"Silles Advechur" (Silly's Adventure)

 Silly does not like the green sun, because after that is yellow. Then it is going to rain after the yellow sun.  Then she said, "Oh no!" because it started raining.  Little Bull had an umbrella, but Silly did not.  But then Bull said, "Here, I have a present for you!" and Silly looked very happy.  "It is an umbrella!"  And Little Bull said, "No, I don't want to go home." Silly did not want Little Bull to go.  Then she got very upset.  Then it started raining again.

The King and Queen of all animals had just met. It was a delight to see them.  Then Silly found a girl Bull.  BUMP!  Then Little Bull found a door.  He didn't look happy.  Silly found the same door, she didn't look happy.  Although she saw another door, Little Bull and Silly saw the giantest door. Hopefully Little Bull brought his springs. "Whoa! This is not just any cave! This is a bear that looks angry!"

Even though Little Bull was near a bear, he had something.  The Little Bull forgot what he had had and he forgot to bring his car. Which, his car had the thing he needed.  It was a nice, nice torch.  He thought that would fire up  the bear, but it did not work.  Then another Little Bull appeared and the work had already been done.  "What happened to my work?" said the Little Bull. "I ate it!" said the other Little Bull. "Because I was very hungry," she continued.  Well, the Little Bull was still chewing up that work, which was his homework.

THE END  and to be continued.