Friday, September 23, 2011

The Adventures of Bull: Bull Plays Hopscotch

Bull brings his chalks, and he makes a hopscotch course.  Then he starts hopping.  And then rain comes and washes his drawing away.  He tries to draw it again, but it is not there.  Then he tries to draw it again, and it still isn't there.  Then he says he is going to try one more time and then when it still doesn't work, he realizes that it rained on his chalks too and they don't work.


Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Adventures of Bull: Bull Gets a Sandwich

Man calls Bull over, Bull comes running and tells Bull that he has a sandwich for him.  Then he gives Bull a knuckle sandwich.  Then Bull asks, "Is that the best you can do?" So the Man punches him again, and Bull thinks, "Curiosity mangled the bull."
