Monday, August 29, 2011

The Adventures of Bull: Bull and the Tornado

Bull is playing his gamecube and then the tornado comes.  It sucks up his controller and the TV, and then it sucks up his chair.  Then it sucks up Bull, and the tornado disappears when Bull is at the top.  Bull falls and his horns come off, then they float back down onto him.  Bull thinks the tornado is gone, but TV and gamecube and chair come falling on his head.  Then his house falls on his head.


Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Adventures of Bull: Bull and the New Sandbox

The man yells to Bull, and Bull runs over and the man tells bull to get in a new kind of sandbox.  Bull doesn't understand what's happening but the man says, "The quicksand box!"

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Adventures of Bull: Bull and His Birthday

Bull is happy because it is his birthday.  He eats the cake in one bite.  Then he gets all steamed up, because he ate the candle too, without blowing it out.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Super Cat vs the Burping Birds: Part 1

The Burping Birds land on planet Earth, and then they ask Super Cat to take them to his leader.  Super Cat said, "I have no leader," so then the bird burps in Super Cat's face.  Then Super Cat got out his hypnotizing ring and hypnotized the bird.

To be continued...


Monday, August 15, 2011

Super Cat and the Ridiculous Revenge of the Rusty Rats: Part 2

Super Cat is still stuck in the shrink-o-matic, and he is small.  Then he finds a giant grower to make him big again.  So he gets big.  So then he starts punching all the bad rats, and he grabbed his cape back.  Then he knocked on the "evil guy room" door where the King Rat is asking another bad guy, "Who's the evilest bad guy?"  Then Super Cat comes in and he destroys the bad guys instead, with a laser beam.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Super Cat and the Ridiculous Revenge of the Rusty Rats: Part 1

 Super Cat sees a tower for bad guys.  The evil rat is making a plan and he can't say Super Cat's name right so he calls him Dooper Cat.  Then he builds a Mecha-Rat (a robot rat) and Super Cat starts to fly, but the Mecha-Rat takes his cape.  Without his cape, Super Cat can't fly, so he gets caught in a net with a shrink-o-matic over it.

To be continued...

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Adventures of Bull: Dancing Robots

Bull is bored and then he got an idea for dancing robots.  The man says, "Booger robots?"  but then the Bull said, "Boogie Robots!" and then he got them.

Monday, August 8, 2011

The Adventures of Bull: Bull Tries to Save the Cookout

The man calls Bull because he wants Bull to meat Cool Dude.  When he meets him, Bull hears the cook yell "Fire!" because he has fire in his pan.  Then Bull looks around for something.  Soon he sees a spatula, so then he hits Cool Dude to get him out of the way to get to the fire extinguisher.  He breaks the glass for the fire extinguisher and then the cook got rid of the fire anyway, so Bull sprayed him instead.  That knocked the cook to the floor.  Then Bull thinks he is a hero, but the man does not.
